Since 1973, Doylestown Area FISH has been a valued member of the community assisting those who are unhoused or housing insecure.

Doylestown Area FISH receives calls 7 days a week between the hours of 9AM-7PM.
If you need help call 215-348-7172.

100% Volunteer Organization

  • Our volunteers are caring individuals who give over 5,000 hours of service annually to address homelessness and at-risk people in our community.

  • All of our funding sources are local. They include local churches, individuals who live in the community, and charitable organizations.

  • We have NO paid staff, all of our donations go directly to benefit our callers.

  • Our goal is to reduce homelessness and housing insecurity in Central Bucks County. We want to help our friends and neighbors!

Helping Our Community Members

  • We provide services for unhoused and housing insecure individuals and families who live in the boundaries of the Central Bucks School District.

  • We grant emergency shelter, emergency food aid, rental assistance, financial grants for utility bills, heating oil deliveries (100 gallons maximum), gasoline, and other bills associated directly with housing expenses.

  • Our volunteers are educated in area resources and have working relationships with the organizations to which we refer.

  • All volunteers live in Central Bucks county and dedicate their time to listen, support, and help our callers.

 If you are experiencing homelessness, please call Bucks County Housing Link at 800-810-4434.

I Need Help

If you are a resident of Central Bucks County, we want to help you with emergency assistance for food, emergency shelter, rental assistance, utility bills, heating oil, or gasoline. If we are unable to help you, we will refer you to our network of resources.


Volunteer with Doylestown Area FISH! As a volunteer, you can chose how many days you are available each month, what days you are available and all you need is your own computer and phone. We are always looking for caring individuals…like you!


FISH is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, all donations are tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes. All donations go to our callers, we have no paid staff. The more donations we receive, the more individuals and families we assist.